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August 1, 2024

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Cingletree Learning, LLC

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Cingletree Learning, LLC.
All rights reserved.
  1. 1. Nouns

    1. Pretest: Nouns
    2. Lesson 1: What Is a Noun?
    3. Lesson 2: Common and Proper Nouns
    4. Lesson 3: Singular and Plural Nouns 1
    5. Lesson 4: Singular and Plural Nouns 2
    6. Lesson 5: Irregular Plural Nouns
    7. Lesson 6: Compound Nouns
    8. Lesson 7: Collective Nouns
    9. Lesson 8: Possessive Nouns
    10. Lesson 9: Classifying Nouns
    11. Review: Nouns
    12. Posttest: Nouns
  2. 2. Pronouns

    1. Pretest: Pronouns
    2. Lesson 1: Personal Pronouns
    3. Lesson 2: Cases of Personal Pronouns
    4. Lesson 3: Challenging Uses of Cases
    5. Review: Pronoun Cases
    6. Quiz: Pronoun Cases
    7. Lesson 4: Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
    8. Lesson 5: Interrogative Pronouns
    9. Lesson 6: Demonstrative Pronouns
    10. Lesson 7: Relative Pronouns
    11. Lesson 8: Indefinite Pronouns
    12. Review: Types of Pronouns
    13. Quiz: Types of Pronouns
    14. Lesson 9: Pronoun Agreement
    15. Lesson 10: Challenges in Pronoun Agreement
    16. Lesson 11: Indefinite Pronoun Agreement
    17. Review: Pronoun Agreement
    18. Quiz: Pronoun Agreement
    19. Review: Pronouns
    20. Posttest: Pronouns
  3. 3. Verbs: Types, Tenses, and Moods

    1. Pretest: Verbs: Types, Tenses, and Moods
    2. Lesson 1: Action Verbs
    3. Lesson 2: Linking Verbs
    4. Lesson 3: Action vs. Linking Verbs
    5. Lesson 4: Helping Verbs
    6. Review: Types of Verbs
    7. Quiz: Types of Verbs
    8. Lesson 5: Principal Parts of Verbs
    9. Lesson 6: Principal Parts: Spelling Chan...
    10. Lesson 7: Irregular Verbs
    11. Lesson 8: Tenses of Verbs
    12. Lesson 9: Negative Statements
    13. Lesson 10: Shifts in Verb Tense
    14. Review: Using Tenses
    15. Quiz: Using Tenses
    16. Lesson 11: Transitive vs. Intransitive Ve...
    17. Lesson 12: Phrasal Verbs
    18. Lesson 13: Active vs. Passive Voice
    19. Lesson 14: The Verb To Be
    20. Lesson 15: Moods of Verbs
    21. Review: Moods, etc.
    22. Quiz: Moods, etc.
    23. Review: Verbs: Types, Tenses, and Moods
    24. Posttest: Verbs: Types, Tenses, and Moods
  4. 4. Verbs: Agreement and Challenges

    1. Pretest: Verbs: Agreement and Challenges
    2. Lesson 1: Agreement of Verbs
    3. Lesson 2: Agreement: Subjects with And, ...
    4. Lesson 3: Agreement: Collective Nouns
    5. Lesson 4: Agreement: Nouns that End in s
    6. Lesson 5: Agreement: Titles of Creative ...
    7. Lesson 6: Agreement: Proper Nouns
    8. Lesson 7: Agreement: Money, Time, and Me...
    9. Lesson 8: Agreement: Fractions and Perce...
    10. Lesson 9: Agreement: Indefinite Pronouns
    11. Lesson 10: Agreement: Hard to Find Subjects
    12. Lesson 11: Challenging Verbs: Lie/Lay
    13. Lesson 12: Challenging Verbs: Sit/Set
    14. Lesson 13: Challenging Verbs: Rise/Raise
    15. Review: Verbs: Agreement and Challenges
    16. Posttest: Verbs: Agreement and Challenges
  5. 6. Modifiers: Adjectives and Adverbs

    1. Pretest: Modifiers: Adjectives and Adverbs
    2. Lesson 1: Adjectives
    3. Lesson 2: Different Types of Adjectives
    4. Lesson 3: Compound Adjectives
    5. Lesson 4: Order of Adjectives
    6. Review: Identifying Adjectives
    7. Quiz: Identifying Adjectives
    8. Lesson 5: Adverbs Modifying Verbs
    9. Lesson 6: Adverbs Modifying Adjectives
    10. Lesson 7: Adverbs Modifying Other Adverbs
    11. Lesson 8: Special Types of Adverbs
    12. Lesson 9: Adjective versus Adverb
    13. Review: Identifying Adverbs
    14. Quiz: Identifying Adverbs
    15. Lesson 10: Comparing with Adjectives and ...
    16. Lesson 11: Challenging Comparisons
    17. Lesson 12: Challenging Adjectives and Adv...
    18. Lesson 13: Common Mistakes and Dangling M...
    19. Review: Using Adjectives and Adverbs
    20. Quiz: Using Adjectives and Adverbs
    21. Review: Modifiers: Adjectives and Adverbs
    22. Posttest: Modifiers: Adjectives and Adverbs
  6. 7. Prepositions

    1. Pretest: Prepositions
    2. Lesson 1: Prepositions and Prepositional...
    3. Lesson 2: Compound Prepositions and Comp...
    4. Lesson 3: Preposition versus Adverb
    5. Lesson 4: Adjective Prepositional Phrases
    6. Lesson 5: Adverb Prepositional Phrases
    7. Lesson 6: Prepositional Phrases as Nouns
    8. Review: Prepositional Phrases
    9. Quiz: Prepositional Phrases
    10. Lesson 7: Layered Prepositional Phrases
    11. Lesson 8: Adjective or Adverb Prepositio...
    12. Lesson 9: Placement Problems and Danglin...
    13. Lesson 10: Troublesome Prepositions
    14. Lesson 11: Commas with Prepositional Phra...
    15. Lesson 12: Idiomatic Verbs
    16. Review: Working with Prepositional Phr...
    17. Quiz: Working with Prepositional Phr...
    18. Review: Prepositions
    19. Posttest: Prepositions
  7. 8. Conjunctions and Interjections

    1. Pretest: Conjunctions and Interjections
    2. Lesson 1: Coordinate Conjunctions
    3. Lesson 2: Correlative Conjunctions
    4. Lesson 3: Parallel Ideas
    5. Lesson 4: Conjunctive Adverbs
    6. Lesson 5: Subordinating Conjunctions
    7. Lesson 6: Other Words that Act as Conjun...
    8. Lesson 7: As/As if Versus Like
    9. Lesson 8: Interjections
    10. Review: Conjunctions and Interjections
    11. Posttest: Conjunctions and Interjections