Website Shutting Down
and Business Closing
August 1, 2024

Dear Subscribers:

Thank you for your support over the years. We will be shutting down this website on August 1, 2024. All customer information will be deleted on that day. Please download and save your records before your subscription expires.

Thank you!

Cingletree Learning, LLC

Register for a Class

Use the registration code your teacher has provided. Only register once. If needed, please contact your teacher for assistance.

You have been assigned the following username.
Write it down along with your password.

Passwords must be 8 or more characters in length and contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number. No spaces or special characters allowed.

Used for password reset only.

Step 1:

Enter registration code

Step 2:

Enter student information

Step 3:

Create password