Module 12, Punctuation: End Marks and Commas, Lesson 1:

Sentence End Marks


Definition: An end mark is a punctuation mark used at the end of a sentence to show that the sentence is finished. There are three end marks: the period, the question mark, and the exclamation mark.

You may want to review sentence types in Module 10, Lesson 7: Kinds of Sentences/Sentence Purposes.


Periods are used to end many types of sentences:

  • Declarative sentences
    The sun is shining this morning.
    I want to go to the beach.
    I can't find my keys.
  • Polite or less emphatic imperative sentences
    Look under your chair.
    Please be on time.
  • Indirect questions
    The teacher asked Michael why he was late.
    Mom asked if you remembered to buy milk.

Question Marks

Question marks are used after interrogative sentences (direct questions). There are several types of interrogative sentences:

  • Basic questions
    Have you seen my other shoe?
    Where have you been?
  • Question fragments
    I didn't eat the rest of the pizza, did you?
    You are late. Why?
  • Imperative sentences phrased like questions
    Would you please hand me that book?
    Will you all please have a seat?

Exclamation Marks (also called Exclamation Points)

Exclamation marks are used to end several types of emphatic expressions:

  • Basic exclamatory sentences
    I can't believe you won!
    It's raining again!
  • Strong interjections
    Wow! That's a lot of money!
    Whew! That was a close call.
  • Powerful imperative sentences
    Watch out!
    Be quiet!
  • Exclamations phrased as questions
    What a beautiful home you have!
    How wonderful!

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The end punctuation has been omitted from each of the following sentences. Click the correct punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.
Did you tell Amber the time ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
Mark your answers here ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
Wyoming is a large state ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
You won't forget, will you ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
Hit the deck ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
Has the rain stopped ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
How happy we were ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
Please vote for me ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
Did you see the colorful forests ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )
I enjoy watching the evening news ( . ) ( ? ) ( ! )