Module 5, Sentence Parts, Lesson 11:

Distinguishing Between Objects and Complements


To distinguish between direct objects and subject complements, you need to decide if the verb is acting on the object or if the complement is renaming or describing the subject.

We sailed the spaceship out of the atmosphere. - Direct object (We took the spaceship and sailed it.)
Our trip to outer space was exciting. - Subject complement (Exciting describes trip.)

To distinguish between direct objects and indirect objects, you need to decide if you could change the indirect object to a prepositional phrase. Remember, you cannot have an indirect object without a direct object.

Jonas threw the ball. (Only one object, so it must be direct.)
Jonas threw me the ball. Jonas threw the ball to me. (Indirect object because both sentences mean the same thing.)

Practice What You've Learned

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Identify each underlined word as a direct object, indirect object, or subject complement.
Please show me your answers.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
Give your sister back her doll.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
That vase seems fragile.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
The teacher gave us a hint.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
That room is a disaster.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
Victor finally mowed the lawn.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
That restaurant is my favorite.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
You should always take your vitamins.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
The Great Wall of China is amazingly long!
direct object / indirect object / subject complement
My cat showed me her new kittens.
direct object / indirect object / subject complement