Module 7, Prepositions, Lesson 4:

Adjective Prepositional Phrases

An adjective prepositional phrase describes a noun or pronoun. It answers the questions which one, what kind, how much, or how many.
Adjective: The wind's sound made a whistling noise.
Prepositional Phrase: The sound \of the wind made a whistling noise.

On the other hand, adverb prepositional phrases modify a verb, adjective, or adverb. They usually tell when, where, how, why, or to what extent (how many, how much, how long, or how far), and under what condition.

Adjective prepositional phrases can also follow linking verbs; however, this is not very common.

You seem \under the weather. (Under the weather describes you, not how you seem.)

More than one adjective phrase can modify the same noun.

The sound \of the players \from the gym distracted us.
The sound \of the players
The sound \from the gym

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Identify the adjective phrases by clicking the preposition and the object of the preposition. Then click on the noun or pronoun the phrase modifies.
I would like the pastry with the pecans on it.
The movie with your favorite actor is playing at the theater at the mall.
The books about Bigfoot are on the shelf at the end.
The dog with the spots is a Dalmatian.
Margie put the flowers from her secret admirer into a vase.
The movie on television tonight is one of my favorites.
I don't think the dress with the flowers is right for the dance.
I want a fast car with a great stereo system.
I prefer the popsicles with real fruit, not the ones with artificial flavors.
The tissues with lotion are easier on your nose.